Pregnancy Acne Remedies The primary reason of acne outbreak during pregnancy are hormonal changes that occur during this time. These changes trigger the sebaceous glands of the body to produce more oil, which eventually results in acne. Most expecting mothers have to deal with this condition, and it may be inevitable for those who are naturally prone to acne breakouts. There are, although, many types of acne skin care products available in the market, they are generally not recommended for expecting mothers. So the best pregnancy acne remedies are the ones that are prepared at home with natural substances. So instead of simply depending on an acne medication during pregnancy, let us see some other remedies that will be good and useful.

Acne Remedies During Pregnancy
- The first tip for the home remedies for acne during pregnancy consists of a mixture of baking soda (1 tbsp.) and water (a cup). Mix the two to form a thick paste. Now get a clean washcloth and dampen it with water. Pour the paste over it, and scrub the acne-affected areas gently, in a circular motion. Give a wait of 5 minutes, before rinsing off with lukewarm water. This method is a natural skin exfoliation technique, that can be used as a helpful acne treatment during pregnancy.
- Another one of the effective pregnancy acne remedies is a mixture of sandalwood powder and rose water. Get a teaspoon of sandalwood powder, and mix it with rose water (2 - 3 drops). After the paste is formed, massage it on the acne-hit areas, and leave it to dry for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
- A combination of lemon juice and rose water is also one of the popular homemade acne remedies during pregnancy. Lemon is a natural antibacterial agent, while rose water is a skin toner. Also, the presence of rose water helps in reducing the acidic quality of the lemon juice. Mix these two stuffs in equal parts, and apply directly to the skin. Wait for 15 - 3 minutes before rinsing.
- When speaking about pregnancy acne remedies, we cannot afford to miss aloe vera. This plant is a anti-inflammatory and antibacterial in nature thus, does well for treating the breakouts. Get the aloe barbadensis species of the aloe vera plant, and cut open the leaf to expose the gel. Apply it directly to the skin, but avoid the eyes.
- Continuing this segment on the natural acne remedies during pregnancy, it is about tea tree oil. It is a natural disinfectant, and help killing the bacteria that causes acne. Prepare a solution of the the two (oil - 2 parts, water - 1part). Dip a cotton ball in the solution, and gently clean the pimples, and let the skin absorb the oil and do its work. The use of tea tree oil for acne has benefited many expecting mothers.
- The use of honey is also included in the list of the remedies for pregnancy acne. Directly apply it on the affected area and let it get absorbed by the skin. The antibacterial property of the stuff is what which serves to reduce the acne breakouts. Repeat this twice a day.
- Before going to bed, apply cucumber juice or paste to the skin. After waiting for 10 - 15 minutes, rinse off and pat dry the skin.
- Another natural exfoliater and a popular one among the pregnancy acne remedies, is the humble oatmeal. This stuff absorbs excess oil and help the skin get rid of dead skin cells. So cook a small serving of oatmeal, and add honey once it is done. Let it come down to the room temperature, and apply in on the acne-affected skin. Leave the mixture to dry for not more than 15 minutes, and rinse off with lukewarm water.
If you are bothered with back acne during pregnancy, then refer to this link. And to conclude this piece on pregnancy acne remedies with one last advice, controlling stress also provides a great deal of help in managing acne during pregnancy. And not to forget, a healthy diet and regular exercise not only helps in reducing acne outbreak, but also improve overall health.