Tattoos on the head are, without doubt, the most exotic and extreme (or at least I think so). However, more and more people seeking information about these tattoos because they think of the possibility of becoming one. And about the tattoos on the head there are some details is essential to take into account.

For the tattoo is visible, you need to shave or shave the area. While this might sound a little tedious at the same time is a great advantage. He thinks that if for any reason, you do not want your tattoo to look, just let your hair grow.
The skin of the head is not like the rest of the body, and that is why the ink does not last as long as in other areas, the tattoos on the head are at risk of vanishing much faster.For the tattoo is visible, you need to shave or shave the area. While this might sound a little tedious at the same time is a great advantage. He thinks that if for any reason, you do not want your tattoo to look, just let your hair grow.
When you get the tattoo you should have your head shaved, of course. Later it makes no difference for the tattoo to keep your head shaved or let your hair grow. What you can do is by no means shave immediately after you’ve done the tattoo. To return to shave, you can wait a while until the area heals completely.
When you are able to return to shave not forget to apply sunscreen on the area, as this is one of the most exposed to sunlight.
As for the pain caused by this tattoo, I have no choice but to repeat what I always say: it depends on each. There are people that hurts a lot and people who almost do not feel pain. However, the most common cases are not as extreme: it is likely to feel the discomfort you feel with any tattoo. It can be painful, but it is a bearable pain, which no doubt survive.