Lil Wayne Face Tattoos
Lil Wayne Face Tattoos
“Fear of God” on his eyelids with a cross above the ‘of’ between his eyes
Saints which is the Fleur de Lis Symbol with “Orleans” above it
“Misunderstood” and 2 rows of stars with some of them being ultraviolet
“I Am Music” above his right eye
Cracks coming from his hairline at the top of his hairline and also on the sides of his chin as well as various other parts of his body
3 tattoo tears, 2 under his right eye, 1 on the left side of his mouth, and 1 under his left eye which he covered up with a symbol because his mother said he had too many tattoo tears. He’s also admittedly said that he’s never killed anyone and that he got the tattoo tears simply because he wanted to see how it looked and once he saw it, he liked it.
“Tune” next to left ear which is short for Lil Tunechileoncious, a nickname his grandmother gave him as a child
A smileyface on the inside of bottom lip.
Lil Wayne Face Tattoos