Oriental Dragon Tattoos Designs
Traditional Japanese tattooing is often about balance and the various characteristics of yin and yang.
Oriental Dragon Tattoos Designs
Ancient Emperors and Celtic kings believed the dragon tattoos symbolized an existence that brought order and prosperity to their kingdoms. Dragons thought to be born of water can be credited with pleasant and benign activities, like bubbling springs and waterfalls, but they also drown people according to ancient understandings.
Water dragons tattoos possessing a glittering jewel flashing lightning bolts can be found in legends from Cambodia. The medieval paintings of St. When reading these ancient beliefs and thinking, “How could people be so naïve?” keep in mind our current myths about dragons: the Loch Ness monster in Scotland and Ogopogo in Lake Okanagan, British Columbia.
Oriental Dragon Tattoos Designs
Though some may relate it to terror but the Oriental Dragon Tattoos Designs is regarded as a graceful beast. They are more popular tattoo designs as compared to other designs since they depict power and freedom and are covered with mystery and magic.
Dragons continue to mesmerize tattoo artists and fans and have been a constant source of inspiration for many. Generally men can be seen sporting Dragon tattoo since it signifies a macho look.
We hope you will like these dragon tattoo designs and dragon tattoos pictures. Keep stay with us for more stylish tattoo designs.