Back To Reality - which isnt fashion

Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to Reality
Which isn't Fashion

This week it really hit me that im back into the norm. I may still not have a oart time job (and dont intend on getting one). But the uni work is pressing down on me as i only have two weeks until hand in. All I want to right now is fly to London or Paris and go to the shows. Or Milan I should say since that is where the most shows are just now

At least the weather has brightened up a bit ^ I just feel i need to be more inspired by something. Maybe by my dreams?
I had a dream the other day that plotted out an entire film in my head, I may be writing to Mr S Spielberg.
Anyway until my next fashion feature!

Jaime CJ

PS thanks to all those made my 7000th hit!